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How to Stay Safe in a Flooded Area

More often than not, what starts off as a rainstorm can quickly give way to flooding, if the rain is relentless. During these times, the danger is always imminent and your safety depends on your ability to act quickly to keep yourself and your family safe. Part of safety includes basic knowledge regarding flood conditions, as well as essential safety practices that will help you to avoid drowning and other dangerous situations.

Personal Safety in Floodwaters

Protect yourself from all the germs, contaminants, insects or snakes that could be harmful to you by wearing the right protective gear. Floodwater is filled with contaminants that include sewer water, chemicals, insects, and wildlife. The best protection comes from making sure that you’re wearing the right clothing, shoes, masks, etc. to deal with floodwaters. Waterproof boots with steel toes, waterproof work gloves, goggles, safety glasses or masks, a protective head cover, long-sleeved shirts, and pants should be worn when cleaning an area that has been flooded. Sometimes respirators need to be used if fumes from chemicals or sewage are present. You are not only protecting yourself from contaminated water, you are also attempting to protect yourself from dangerous bugs, snakes, and other animals that may be present in flood waters.

Walking & Moving Water

Never walk through moving water. It doesn’t take much to slip and fall. In fact, as little as six inches of water is enough to cause you to lose your footing. However, if walking through water is inevitable, use a stick to check the ground ahead of you for firmness and walk wherever the water is not moving.

Driving During a Flood

It’s best not to drive in flooded areas, even if the water looks relatively shallow. The condition of the roads can become weakened after being underwater for a period of time. The weight of a car may cause a road to collapse. It’s also dangerous because flood waters can be electrically charged as a result of fallen power lines and underground power lines. However, if you are forced to drive in a flooded area, get out of the car immediately if floodwater surrounds your car. Move to higher ground as quickly as possible.
Deaths and injuries occur all the time as a result of flooding. Many people feel confident when it comes to driving and navigating high waters during a flood. However, there are many dangers, both seen and unseen, that you should be aware of. More often than not, an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure. Protect yourself by wearing the right clothing and avoiding floodwaters as much as possible. Keep in mind that driving and walking can be dangerous during these situations, and should be avoided if possible.

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