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Tips for Returning Home After a Flood

Wait for an All-Clear Notification

You’ll want to make sure that it’s safe to return to your neighborhood after a flood. Even if you think conditions are safe, there may still be some hazards that could put you in harm’s way if you try to return before you receive official authorization from relief workers.

Get Appliances Checked

Flooding can cause shortages in your appliances that might make them dangerous to use. Before turning on any of your appliances again, have them checked by a professional.

Handle Items That Have Absorbed Water Cautiously

Furnishings and debris that have absorbed water will be heavier and require more effort to move. Throw away items that can’t be cleaned or disinfected.

Look for Floor Sagging

If you notice any sagging in your floors caused by the floodwater, walking on them may be unsafe. You should also look for sagging in our ceiling.

Return Home During the Day

You should return home when there’s enough daylight so that you can see clearly enough to identify any dangers in your home. Turning on your lights might still be dangerous after a flood, and returning home during the day should give you enough natural lighting.

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