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The Top Ways To Keep Pests And Infestations Out of Your Home

The Top Ways tp Keep Pests Out Of Your HomeThere are a lot of pests that may try to make their way into your home, and they can cause significant health and safety issues in addition to detracting from your property values. It can be very difficult to remove infestations once they have infiltrated your home, so it is always better to prevent them from happening. What are a few tips you should keep in mind? 

Seal The Doors And Windows

One of the easiest ways for pests to get into your home is to crawl through open doors and windows. Therefore, you should start by sealing your doors and windows from time to time. You may want to reach out to an expert who can evaluate your doors and windows for possible cracks and crevices. By eliminating them, you make it significantly harder for pests to infiltrate your house.

Properly Dispose Of Trash And Recycling

You should also properly dispose of all garbage and recycling. As long as it is safe for you to do so, try to put food down the garbage disposal. Then, don’t forget to clean your garbage disposal from time to time. Furthermore, try not to wait until your trash is overflowing to take it out. Also, be sure you rinse all of your recycling before you put it in the recycling bin. That way, it becomes less attractive to pests.

Clean Your Drains Regularly

Remember that you should also clean your drains regularly. Your drains can collect a lot of mold, mildew, strange odors, and food waste that become attractive to pests. While you might once the drains after you put food down them, that is not enough. You should try to deep clean your drains regularly to prevent pests from taking advantage of them.

Keep Pests Out Of Your Home

Ultimately, these are a few of the most important tips you should keep in mind if you want to keep pests out of your home. A pest infestation can become a serious health risk while also making your home less attractive to a potential buyer. If you believe you have a pest infestation, reach out to a professional who can help you. 

5 Things You MUST Check Before Buying a House in Port Aransas

5 things to check before you buy a house in port aransas - north padre island homes for sale
If you’re buying a new home in Port Aransas or North Padre Island, it’s exciting… but don’t become so excited that you overlook these five important must-check items.

5 Things You Must Check Before Buying a House in Port Aransas

You’ll save yourself time, money, and stress if you check on everything possible before you sign that dotted line.

#1: How Are the Windows?

New windows can be extremely expensive (sometimes costing more than $10,000), so it’s a good idea to pay special attention to whether they close properly, drafts come in, or they’re cracked. Check double-paned windows for signs of condensation, too, which indicates that there’s a crack in them.

#2: Are There Pests?

Open the cupboards, look behind the refrigerator, and peek under the sink. If you see any signs of pests, you’ll probably need to budget for a pest-control plan—but remember that some pests, such as termites, can damage a home’s entire structure.

#3: Where Does the Water Flow?

We get our fair share of rain in Port Aransas and North Padre Island, so you’ll want to make sure that water flows away from the house. Even if the home is at the top of a hill, you’ll need to ensure that water flows in a way that won’t cause erosion on the property.

#4: What Are the Neighbors Like?

How do you know if a neighborhood is right for you? You check on it at various times of day, get to know some of the people who live there, and look at the environment. The last thing you want is to buy a home in a subdivision or community where you don’t feel at-home.

#5: Will You Need to Upgrade the House?

Upgrades take more money—and more time—than most people think. If a house is too dated, you might be in for a wild (and expensive) ride. Know what you’re signing up for before you fall in love with any house!

Are You Buying a Home in Port Aransas?

Whether you’re looking for a home for sale in Port Aransas or North Padre Island, we’d love to help you find the perfect place to live.
Call us at 361-563-7788 or get in touch with us online to tell us what you want from your next home. We’ll start searching right away.
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