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How to Remove Mildew Spots in Your Home

Mildew is a type of fungus that poses a threat to the health of anyone exposed. To remove it effectively, you can start by using vinegar. It’s properties allow you to remove the stains by wiping it with just a cloth. You can even use a smaller concentration or water it down for small areas of mildew.
For an even stronger solution, incorporate ammonia with your vinegar to kill off the spores. Make sure you are in an area with cross air circulation, as ammonia can be dangerous to inhale. Also especially never mix ammonia with bleach or other cleaning agents, it can kill you.
You should wear a face mask, gloves, and goggles when dealing with mold to avoid contact or inhalation of mildew spores. Mix a bowl of warm water with less than a cup of bleach and use a brush or rag, soaked in the solution and wrung out, to wipe away the mold. Again, you should never mix cleaning products. These three methods are all meant to be used individually.